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  • mckaylac5678

Unforgettable Breakfast

Updated: May 14, 2021

Egg Scramble:

- 1 naan

- 2 eggs

- turkey sausage (cut up in bite size pieces)

- handful of spinach

- 1/2 cup of hash-browns

- salt&pepper to taste

*Spray a frying pan and put it on the stove over medium heat. Beat up eggs in container and add a little milk to make them fluffier and add some salt&pepper. Put the hashbrowns in the pan laying flat and let them cook for 2-3 minute, then flip them and add the sausage and spinach. Once the spinach has started to wilt add the beat up eggs and scramble the egg scramble and then eat with a naan and enjoy devouring it. (feel free to add cheese, yum)

Breakfast Tortilla Wrap:

- 2 Eggs

- 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella or cheddar cheese

- Tortilla

- Small handful of spinach

- Slice of Canadian Bacon

- Sriracha Mayo ( can be substituted for sliced avocado)

- dash of milk

- 1 Sliced Mushroom

- Salt and pepper

*In a saucepan brown the mushroom until soft, then take out of pan and set aside. Then in a small bowl whisk the two eggs, milk, and salt and pepper together. Spray the saucepan and pour eggs into pan creating a flat layer, and put a lid on it. Once the egg is mostly cooked, then sprinkle the cheese on top and lay the tortilla over it and press it down a little. Flip the whole thing over, so the egg is on top, cut the tortilla halfway in the middle. Then on a fourth of the tortilla put spinach, then canadian bacon on the other fourth, mushroom on fourth, and then drizzle sriracha mayo on other fourth. Then fold one side on to the other, then that over to the other side, and then the whole thing over the last side. Put lid on and let the one side get crispy, and brown and then flip and do the same thing to the other side.

Breakfast Sandwich:

- 1 Whole Wheat English muffin

- 1 egg

- 1 slice of turkey deli meat

- 1/2 avocado

- 1/4 sliced bell pepper

- handful of spinach

- 2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese

* Fry an egg and while it's cooking, toast the English muffin and smash avocado and put it on both sliced sides of English muffin. Then add spinach to one of the sides and add cottage cheese on top and then the sliced bell pepper on top of that and then the egg and turkey and then put the other slice of English muffin on top and indulge

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